UAVs are or will soon be part of our daily lives. Multi-rotor, fixed wing, eVTOL they all have their own particularities and sometimes they can be combined. Search for missing persons, infrastructure maintenance, archaeology, transport of medical equipment or delivery of your next book, surveillance, people transportation, the applications are wide. Today, a drone can save a life. Id2Move offers an indoor and outdoor test space unique in Europe.




Autonomous cars, autonomous trucks, robots are already present on our roads. Transporting people or goods, they tend to make our travels safer and expedite the transportation of certain goods. Many challenges still face this technology. ID2Move answers to help you in the development of this technology thanks to our test space and our privileged relationships with Belgian and foreign universities.



Less well known than the first two, the maritime world is also focusing on this technology. Whether Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships  (MASS) or submarines, there is no doubt that they will offer a series of advantages. ID2Move is also present thanks to its privileged relationships with Belgian and foreign universities.